Breast Augmentation at the leading plastic surgery clinic in Puerto Vallarta is a tremendous benefit to patients who desire a fuller profile, who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy or nursing, or who have undergone breast reconstruction and want to gain a more natural appearance.
While breast augmentation surgery will enlarge the breasts to your desired size, the surgery will not move the breasts closer together or lift sagging breasts.
Why Choose Breast Augmentation
Our expert plastic surgery team at Elaen Plastic Surgery Center, Dr. Alejandro Campero and Dr. Nashielli T. Espinosa offer breast augmentation surgery to enlarge and reshape your breasts. The intended result it is a size and shape that you feel completely satisfied with — and a size that naturally fits your body and exceeds your overall appearance goals.
Size. Are you unhappy with the size of your breasts? It’s simple — our artistic breast surgeons can help you achieve larger breasts. This reason alone is the number one reason that women choose to have breast augmentation surgery in Puerto Vallarta.
Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Alejandro to help you decide the exact size that will give you the figure that you want.
Shape. If you want rounder, fuller breasts, you may decide to have a breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Alejandro can explain the difference, and help you decide on the right surgical plan.
Balance. Do you feel your breasts are asymmetrical, or abnormally formed? Breast augmentation surgery will bring balance to your breasts.
Breast cancer. Following breast reconstruction from breast cancer surgery, you may want breast augmentation to introduce breast implants or a transfer of fat and tissue from your abdominal area. This will help restore a natural appearance to your breasts.
Weight loss. Have you recently lost weight and noticed a significant change to the size and shape of your breasts. Deflated breasts do not make any woman feel enthusiastic about her lifestyle, breast augmentation surgery at San Javier – Reveert can help you gain the shape that you want.
Post-pregnancy. Have you always desired the perfect Mommy Makeover? Lead breast surgeon, Dr. Alejandro can implement a combination of procedures to restore your body to it’s pre-pregnancy state. Typically, a Mommy Makeover includes a tummy tuck, liposuction, a breast lift or other procedures as well as breast augmentation.
What to Expect — Free Breast Surgery Consultation
If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a free consultation with Dr. Alejandro or Dr. Nashielli T. Espinosa. You can expect your initial exam and consultation to take an hour or more. In your consultation, our expert plastic surgeons will:
- Learn more about you and understand your goals with breast surgery
- Educate you on breast surgery; the risks involved and techniques used
- Perform a thorough examination (Review medical records by Skype)
- Discuss realistic, achievable appearance goals and the next steps
- Make sure that any questions you have are completely answered
You can also visit our breast implants Tijuana, breast implants Cancun and breast implants Mexico websites.
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